[Xastir-dev] Topic: Supported Platforms, Xastir-NG

Gerry Creager gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Sat Jun 14 19:13:43 EDT 2008

Curt, WE7U wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> It's time.  I've been doing some thinking about Xastir-NG.  Several
>> main things need be decided before coding can begin.  This topic is
>> one of them:
>>     What platforms would we _like_ to support?
>>     What platforms _can_ we support?
> Let's go another direction with this, as I've seen very few replies
> to this topic so far.  I figured I'd get quite a few of "please add
> this device to the list" sort of responses.  Oh well.
> Rather than naming specific devices, perhaps it'd be easier to pick
> a language that will support a large set of devices.  At least it
> might result in more responses!
> I'd prefer to stick with OO (Object-oriented) as well as compiled
> languages.  I do not wish to require proprietary compilers on any
> platform:  This lets the largest possible set of people contribute
> to the project.
> Here are a few candidates:
>     *) Java (Java SE and Java ME)
>     *) C++
>     *) Python
>     *) Ruby
>     *) ??

If we're looking for relation and code reuse, simply enforcing good 
practice in C is sufficient.  I don't see a real good reason to use C++ 
unless Bjarne Stroustrup (he is faculty at my institution) gets 
interested enough to join the effort...  I'm not well-versed in Ruby 
(gotta fix that, out of self preservation, at least) to have an opinion. 
  I've seen some problems with Java, but not enough to have a solidly 
negative vote on it.  Python might be interesting.

> Are there platforms we wish to support that some languages above
> will _NOT_ work on?

I'd rather we envisioned 'platforms' in terms of OS.  We can always levy 
a memory requirement.  I mean, geez, Microsoft's made that the norm. 
And I also think that, unless we get much better at autoconf, we need to 
consider some base-config versions in executable form as well as source, 
for the adventuresome.  We can get pretty blase` about that initially, 
but it should be in the plan.

> At the moment I'm interested solely in the Xastir Daemon end of
> things.  The GUI clients can be written in entirely different
> languages:  In fact we can write one reference implementation of
> each, then others can duplicate the clients in other languages if
> they wish.

Strongly concur.

> Developers:  Let's hear from you!  Am I on the right track?  What do
> you want to work with/work on?  I'm trying to keep things very
> general so far so that we can get some concensus.  Even if you don't
> have time for coding right now, a few words one way or the other can
> make a big difference.

Compatible object libs are the key here, but that's gonna be a cheap 
thrill.  I still think it's a worthwhile goal.
Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University	
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843

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