[Xastir-dev] Topic: Supported Platforms, Xastir-NG

Carl Makin carl at stagecraft.cx
Mon Jun 16 20:10:23 EDT 2008

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Tom Hayward wrote:

[re iphone SDK]
> I'm definitely not familiar enough with the SDK to know what will be
> required to run the daemon, if it's possible.

A couple of issues with the iPhone,

Firstly you can't run background processes.  There will be a notification 
system allowing the background reception of notifications and alerts, but 
no background daemons.

Secondly, apparently the iPhone SDK agreement states that for applications 
that use the "Location APIs", you may not design nor market applications 
for "real time route guidance" or "emergency or life-saving purposes".

So, while this doesn't preclude an APRS client, if it uses the inbuilt 
Location APIs, it can't be designed or marketed for "emergency" purposes. 


Doesn't mean we can't put an APRS client on it though...


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