[Xastir] maps

Dick C. Reichenbach dreichen at columbus.rr.com
Tue Sep 23 19:22:53 EDT 2003

"Chris Hare, KD5WIM" wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 23:38, Brenda Wallace wrote:
> > that's what i thought that feature did, but it doesn't seem to work for
> > images.
> > i have lots of aerial photos available to xastir.
> > when i zoom out to national level, i can see xastir loading each aerial
> > map photo one by one, which isn't much use once I'm that far out...
> > what have i missed?
> I have to agree.  I am in Texas and I have all the Texas maps loaded
> (only Texas).  Even when I pan through my own county, every map is
> processed.  Even with Levels enabled.  Oh yes, I must be doing something
> wrong because
> a) I can't get lakes to be filled in polygons even with the map set to
> Draw Filled

I noticed the last time I played with this that the lakes had a
different dataset than the hydrolodgy dataset.  You needed 2 sets of
shapefiles to see both streams and shaded lakes.  At least when using
the ERSI data.

> b) With map levels enabled I love the display of the map
> c) When I turn on map area color fills, my street level maps disappear

The old way of doing this (and I think still works) is by creating
numbered directories.  These are just examples, you can do this many
different ways.

200_World_Shapes - contains very large (Nation sized) filled polygons.
300_County_Shapes - will overlay the filled counties on top of the world
310_County_Lakes - Put your filled lake shapefiles here
320_County_Waterways - put the streams data here.
350_County_Roads - Will overlay the roads shapedata on top of everything

> d) setting the level numbers in the map choose doesn't seem to make any
> difference -- lakes still appears on TOP of roads

Dick Reichenbach - KC8OBZ

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