[Xastir] dbfawk for 2003 Tiger Maps

Tom Russo russo at bogoflux.losalamos.nm.us
Fri Apr 30 10:32:43 EDT 2004

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 07:31:28AM -0500, a Mr. Richard Feyler of Fort Lee, New Jersey <jdw at eng.uah.edu> writes 'Dear Rosanne Rosannadanna':
> On Apr 30, 2004, at 12:53 AM, Josh Keller wrote:
> >Is there an already done dbfawk file available for the 2003 Tiger Maps
> >that has waterways filled in, interstates in a different color, and
> >street names displayed when zoomed in?
> I'm using this one http://www.swcp.com/~russo/shape_web/tgr2shp.dbfawk 
> with the Tiger data converted to shapefiles from ESRI and it does 
> pretty much what you are asking (which happens to be pretty much what I 
> want, too).

If you're using the CVS version of xastir you'll already have "tgr2shp.dbfawk".
That'll do most of what you want (although perhaps the colors aren't what
you'd like).  If you're using some release tarball that predates the inclusion
of the file then you can download it from the site mentioned above.  

It is not possible without a lot of work to get the waterways filled in, due
to how the tiger data codes areas ---  the short story on that is that tiger
files have the feature codes for polylines and areas are in separate files, 
and when ogr2ogr does the conversion to shapefile format all the codes that 
would indicate what areas to fill are missing from the dbf file.  There was
someone working on figuring out how to fix that, but it hasn't been done yet.

Tom Russo    KM5VY     SAR502  DM64ux         http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://www.qsl.net/~km5vy/
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