[Xastir] Re: xastir and cpu

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Wed Sep 8 13:11:48 EDT 2004

"gprof" output from running Xastir a bit longer:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
 %  cumulative  self            self   total
time  seconds  seconds    calls s/call s/call name
26.51    94.85   94.85   198136   0.00   0.00 alert_match
12.17   138.39   43.54 61040082   0.00   0.00 normal_title
 8.69   169.46   31.07  2348265   0.00   0.00 symbol
 6.78   193.70   24.24 23171926   0.00   0.00 awk_eval_expr
 5.67   213.99   20.29 66083312   0.00   0.00 awk_find_sym
 4.82   231.23   17.24  2093715   0.00   0.00 draw_symbol
 3.56   243.96   12.73  2009833   0.00   0.00 display_station
 3.07   254.94   10.98  3290297   0.00   0.00 awk_exec_program
 2.97   265.58   10.64        1  10.64 354.99 UpdateTime
 2.21   273.47    7.89      249   0.03   0.37 display_file
 1.57   279.09    5.62  4768349   0.00   0.00 awk_exec_action
 1.41   284.13    5.04   210671   0.00   0.00 draw_wind_barb
 1.18   288.34    4.21    74448   0.00   0.00 data_add
 1.16   292.49    4.15  1477871   0.00   0.00 dbfawk_parse_record
 1.15   296.59    4.10 14062874   0.00   0.00 is_my_call
 1.09   300.48    3.89   375325   0.00   0.00 draw_nice_string
 1.04   304.20    3.72   374938   0.00   0.00 GetPixelByName
 0.98   307.72    3.52      792   0.00   0.00 index_retrieve

alert_match and normal_title are weather alert related.  Kind'a
shows how lots of weather alerts slow us down, doesn't it?  That's
39% of our execution time right there!

Curt, WE7U			         http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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