[Xastir] Virginia dbfawk issue

Dan Brown brown at brauhaus.org
Sun Apr 15 22:53:11 EDT 2007

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, Tom Russo wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 04:05:57PM -0400, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the <brown at brauhaus.org> flavor, containing:
> > 
> > This isn't a huge thing, but, Virginia has a number of "independent cities"
> > in addition to counties. The dbfawk files included with xastir, which get
> > installed in the /usr/local/share/xastir/config dir, append the word "County"
> > or "Parish" to county names. This leads to the following:
> > 
> [...]
> > 
> > Above, Prince William is a county, but City of Manassas and City of
> > Manassas park are independent cities, and shouldn't have "County" appended. 
> > I've been trying to figure out how to fix nwsc_ddmmyy.dbfawk, but haven't
> > been having much luck. Suggestions? 
> This is an issue with the "tgrcty.dbfawk" and "tgrwat.dbfawk" files, which
> are the only two that append "County" to county names.  That's done by
> the following rules:
> /^COUNTY=(.*)$/ {name="$1"; next}
> /^FIPSSTCO=(22.*)$/ {name="$name Parish"; key=$1; next}
> /^FIPSSTCO=(.*)$/ {name="$name County"; key=$1; next}

Actually, this is from the file I noted, the nwsc_ddmmyy.dbfawk: 

# name: name is just the county name.
/^COUNTYNAME=(.*)$/ {name="$1"; font_size=4; next}
# also append "County" to the name except for Louisiana, use Parish
# (is this the only state that calls them something other than county?):
# XXX check this whole LA thing.  I think they call them parishes.
/^STATE=(LA)$/ {name="$name Parish"; key="$1"; next}
/^STATE=(..)$/ {name="$name County"; key="$1"; next}
/^FIPS=..(...)$/ {key="$(key)_C$1"; next}


> so that the County/Parish suffix is set into name first, and discarded if
> the "County" name actually contains the phrase "City of"

I'll see what I can figure out. 


Dan Brown 
brown at brauhaus.org

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