[Xastir] ADS-B (planes)

Neill Thornton neillt at neillt.com
Thu Mar 17 19:45:58 EDT 2016

Sorry, I should have clarified.  The AIS receiver outputs NMEA, we just use OpenCPN to multiplex it with lots of other NMEA data such as GPS location, gyro headings, roll/pitch data, etc that comes from other discrete devices.  It also allows us to transport that combined serial data over IP to clients.

You could certainly take the NMEA sentences directly from the AIS receiver, a serial port stream, with no OpenCPN required.

I don't know of any AIS receiver that outputs a "raw" data stream that is worth anything.  Almost all receivers output NMEA.  This page talks about the sentences: http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/


Neill Thornton
Chief Information Officer - Medical Treatment Facility USNS Mercy
619-235-3857 - Desk
619-206-5426 - Cell
neill.thornton at mercy.navy.mil / neill.thornton at mercy.navy.smil.mil

On Mar 17, 2016, at 4:10 PM, Eric Christensen <eric at christensenplace.us> wrote:

> On 03/17/2016 05:10 PM, Neill Thornton wrote:
> Do folks want to have Xastir understand the AIS NMEA, or some kind of raw level packet decode?

I'd prefer Xastir to understand the incoming data and not have to run
OpenCPN or something else in the middle.

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