[Xastir] Missing dependency for gpx2shape

Eric Christensen eric at christensenplace.us
Mon Mar 21 12:55:02 EDT 2016

On 03/21/2016 12:24 PM, Curt Mills wrote:
> Read the comments at the top of the script. Looks like some definite
> pickiness there in what you need.

Believe it or not, I did actually look at the source before sending my
email.  :)  I figured out the other dependencies but the Geo::Shapelib
one is giving me a fit.

I followed the instructions on installing missing Perl modules[0] but
those seem to fail for a variety of reasons.  Bottom line, I think, is
the Geo::Shapelib dependency doesn't seem to be able to be met on my
installation of Debian 8.3 for some reason.

Is there another way to convert a GPX file to a Shapefile so Xastir will
display it?



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