[Xastir] ?APRSD queries reporting all rx trafic including adsb, ais...

David A Aitcheson david.aitcheson at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 08:11:45 PDT 2018

On 06/22/2018 10:56 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jun 2018, F1MHV wrote:
>> ?Bonjour? Gilles,
>> Don?t stop-it but may be there is way to restrict the adsb forward
>> from YAAC to xastir, or? I thought you had the adsb-rx connected
>> directly to Xastir as per
>> http://xastir.org/index.php/HowTo:Display_Aircraft_and_Ships
> Agreed, don't stop it!
> I wrote the ADS-B and AIS scripts which convert the other protocols to
> APRS packets and inject them on Xastir's UDP port. It may be a bit
> tricky figuring out how to mark them as "special" so the APRS query
> ignores them. It probably should be looked at to see whether it's
> possible.

If I am understanding Gilles correctly, the ADS-B & AIS messages are
coming into Xastir from YACC... so maybe just a "DISPLAY ONLY - DO NOT
TRANSMIT" filter flag on that interface port would work as an option?

Just a thought.


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