Complete coverage of the entire U.S. is now available with free street maps from ESRI/Tiger and free topo maps from USGS.
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- "Elmer Fudd", "MuppetsChef", "OldeEnglish", "PigLatin", and "PirateEnglish" support provided via English->XX scripts!
- Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2000 (logging mode)
- Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2000 (Packet mode)
- Peet Brothers U-II
- Radio Shack WX-200/Huger WM-918/Oregon Scientific WM-918
- Qualimetrics Q-Net
- Networked Radio Shack/Huger/Oregon Scientific weather stations using [wx200d daemon]. WX-200/WM-918/WMR-918/WMR-968.
- Networked Dallas/AAG/Texas Weather Instruments One-Wire weather stations using One-Wire Weather (OWW) daemon or other WX program with a port that supplies Arne Henriksen format weather strings.
- Davis weather stations, including Vantage Pro, via mysql and the [Meteo daemon].
- LaCrosse weather stations, via mysql and the [Open2300 daemon].
- AX.25 kernel networking (KISS-mode TNC's, soundcard TNC's, Baycom TNC's, etc).
- Serial-port TNC's such as Kantronics KAM & kpc3, Kenwood TH-D7A/TM-D700A, AEA, TAPR, MFJ, Paccomm, etc.
- Support for HSP adapters is built-in. An HSP adapter lets you connect TNC and GPS to the same serial port.
- Pico-Mode for TNC's with GPS port built-in such as Kantronics KPC-3+ and Paccomm dual-port PicoPacket.
- Serial-KISS TNC's. Also Soundmodem in KISS mode on Linux/Solaris.
- AGWPE via its socket interface. This allows you to use the soundcard interface on Windows, or allows you to connect Linux boxes to Windows-connected TNC's.
- Anything putting out NMEA standard GPRMC and/or GPGGA sentences via RS-232.
- GPS's can be used with TNC's on the same RS-232 serial port via HSP adapter.
- Networked GPS's using [gpsd software].
- Pico-mode support (TNC's with GPS port built-in).
If using a Garmin GPS on an RS-232 serial port, Xastir can create waypoints for the APRS stations on the GPS map screen. Xastir can also download tracks/routes/waypoints if compiled with GPSman/Gpsmanshp support.
1-106: [ImageMagick]. (some formats are write-only, not included in total). This gives you access to thousands of raster-image maps, including 1:50k and
1:250k topo maps for all of Canada!
107: [APRSdos] Vector Format Maps & Weather Alert Maps
108: [WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS] Vector Format Maps & Weather Alert Maps
109: 1:24k USGS DRG Raster Maps (geoTIFF Topo Maps)
110: 1:24k [Enhanced DRG] Raster Maps (Enhanced geoTIFF Topo Maps w/cropped map border).
Please note that [Enhanced DRG]'s using MrSID compression are not supported.
111: 1:100k USGS DRG Raster Maps (geoTIFF Topo Maps)
112: 1:250k USGS DRG DRG Raster Maps (geoTIFF Topo Maps)
113: [ESRI] Shapefile Point Maps
114: [ESRI] Shapefile Polyline Vector Maps (lines)
115: [ESRI] Shapefile Polygon Vector Maps (areas)
116: [USGS GNIS] files
117: WMS (Web Map Server) maps
ImageMagick can also handle automatic decryption or decompression of maps files as long as support for these utilities is present and compiled into ImageMagick. It can handle these formats: ".Z", ".gz", ".bz2", and ".pgp".
- Lat/Long: Decimal Degrees
- Lat/Long: Decimal Minutes
- Lat/Long: Degrees/Minutes/Seconds
- UTM/UPS, Universal Transverse Mercator/Universal Polar Stereographic
- UTM/UPS w/special zones (NATO UTM/UPS)
- MGRS2, Military Grid Reference System
- USNG, United States National Grid
- Maidenhead Grid (output only)
- UMS, Universal Map System (output only via "" script)
We can display several representations of lat/long permutations on the map: Invoke the "" script then import the data into Xastir. This allows us to quickly view all permutations of lat/long when the format is unknown.
Search_and_Rescue_(SAR) (Wiki page)
See also HowTo:MAPS and Xastir Maps
Built into Xastir (Require ImageMagick libraries)
- Online [OpenStreetMap] Raster Maps
- Online [Terraserver] Raster Maps, Satellite Images
- Online [Terraserver] Topographic Maps
- Online [Terraserver] Raster Maps, Reflectivity Images
- Online [Terraserver] Raster Maps, Color Urban Satellite Images
- Online [NOAA] Weather Radar Maps
- Online Web Map Server (WMS) Maps
- Online GIF/JPG/PNG/etc files (http or ftp links)
Downloadable Maps (some of these require additional libraries):
- Xastir's scripts directory contains the "" script that can make Ui-View maps usable within Xastir.
- PocketAPRS , some European maps are [here].
- [NOAA Shapefile maps]
- [NCSU Libraries GIS Data Shapefile maps]
- USGS geoTIFF topo maps are available at USGS , at [GIS Data Depot] (No longer free), at [WA State DRGs] , and at [New Mexico Search and Rescue Resources].
- Xastir's scripts directory contains a "" script that can create partial FGD files to go along with downloaded geoTIFF files.
- Scanned maps (most image formats)
- [GIS Data Depot] GeoTIFF topo maps, Shapefiles (Click on "Free Data")
- City/County/State GIS Departments (Shapefiles)
- Tiger97 map data converted to Shapefiles at []
- TIGER/Line 2000 map data converted to Shapefiles at [ESRI].
- This one requires you to register with an e-mail adress, but the data is free.
- USGS Quad Overlay File (shows 7.5' quads and their names) at [Quad Index].
- [Shapefile Map of the World]
- Toporama 1:50k and 1:250k topo maps for all of Canada. Use the and scripts included with Xastir to automatically download and georeference these maps.
The FTP site at has a number of very useful maps, including a complete set of TIGER/Line shapefile conversions:
- -- The top level directory
- -- the TIGER/Line 2006 Second Edition shapefiles
- --- Geographic Names Information System files in the old format (the current files available from the GNIS web site are no longer usable in Xastir)
Another SourceForge project allows you to convert ESRI .E00 (export) format maps to ESRI Shapefile format maps which may be used with Xastir: [E00 to Shapefile Converter]
See the "README.MAPS" file which comes with Xastir for more pointers to downloadable maps. Also see: [Downloadable Maps for Xastir]